International Women’s Day – Daiana Botta

Have you faced any challenges about inclusion within your career?

In my personal experience, I am part of a labor inclusion process due to geographical location, I live in the interior of the country. The company a few years ago began to develop federal hiring programs, with the aim of expanding throughout the country and giving people who live in the interior of the country the opportunity to work.

How do you encourage inclusion within your team and your firm?

In the company, DEI training programs, meetings, talks are constantly carried out; In the different work teams that I have and have had to work with, I try to open and organize chat spaces to discuss inclusion. For example, when I help to introduce a new co-worker, I always schedule meetings to talk about these topics and build trust so that the new entrant feels like they have an ally and someone to turn to, in any case.

For work teams where I work with people with many years of experience, I always try to create inclusive environments, detect if there are attitudes or comments that are out of place, and find a way through dialogue to generate more inclusive environments.

Proposing constant training courses is a good method, and personally I always push so that the teams are formed equitably in terms of gender and that when hiring the current quota of women is always considered.

As for my female coworkers, constant support and listening is essential. To be able to generate spaces for talk and work where gender is not a limitation, in which we can be heard, and our ideas considered.

What is the business benefit of inclusion within the professional services sector?

Diversity and inclusion in the formation of work teams is key to building successful companies. Recognize and accept the importance of inclusion in all its forms not only because it is what should be done, but also because it is key to attracting, retaining talent, and constant innovation, when making decisions. Forming a diverse work team ensures more innovative and solid ideas. Young people today prefer to work in companies that develop work inclusion plans and are truly committed to the formation of diverse work teams.

Author: Daiana Botta

Member firm name: Together Business Consulting 

Country: Argentina