Local Time: 3:53:18 AM
Audicis SA is a firm located in Niamey (Niger) and it was established on January 2018. Our actions for our clients involve both local and international resources and our firm can carry out any audit assignment. The audit may relate to any permanent or specific, legal or contractual and any full or partial revision, in accordance with the regulations in force and professional standards. We provide assistance to our clients in accounting and bookkeeping. Audicis SA also plays a major role in business creation assistance by offering formulas tailored to the needs and specificities of its clients. In terms of counseling, our firm can assist companies in many areas (taxation, corporate law and wealth management), in partnership if necessary with specialised experts.
More specifically, we participate in the identification, analysis and formulation of solutions to the problems of financial management, taxation, accounting, IT and financing of private companies and sole proprietorships, public corporations and administrative public institutions, non-governmental organisations and associations and development projects and programs.
Services include:
Audit services
Tax services
Advisory services
Other services: