Humphreys & Cïa.

Humphreys & Cïa.

Firm Details

Humphreys & Cïa.

Av. Providencia 199, piso 6




Local Time: 4:18:45 AM

Humphreys & Cia. is a registered Chilean professional firm founded in 1952. Located in Santiago, Chile, we provide audit, accountancy and business consultancy services to medium-sized and small entities in both the public and private sectors. Our group of firms, which serves a portfolio of approximately 250 clients a year, has been a member of Nexia International for over two decades, since 1991.

Whereas large corporations in Chile receive direction from professional executive teams, domestic and foreign SMEs and their owners tend to receive sparse and sometimes inconsistent information. That’s why SMEs are our focus and consequently form the largest part of our client portfolio.

The spectrum of clients we work with is broad, comprising industrial and commercial companies, mining organisations, stock brokerage firms, not-for-profit entities, as well as international subsidiaries.

Benchmarking income and personnel, Humphreys & Cia. is considered to be a medium-sized audit firm.

Services include:

Audit services

  • IFRS

Tax services

  • Corporate and business tax
  • Indirect taxes
  • Private client

Advisory services

  • Legal
  • Outsourcing(limited to small entities)

Other services:

  • Accounting & Payroll (only to small entities)
  • Due diligence reviews.