Cözüm Ünlüer

Cözüm Ünlüer

Firm Details

Cözüm Ünlüer

1476 Sok. No:2

K:7 D:9 Aksoy Residence





Local Time: 9:45:29 PM

Çözüm Ünlüer Bağımsız Denetim ve Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. was established on September 17, 2010, and since then, our company has been providing audit and consultancy services.

Our company’s audit team includes a total of 26 professional members, including 2 sworn-in certified public accountants, 14 auditors and independent accountant financial advisors, 8 assistant auditors, 1 team assistant and 1 financial supervisor.

Our company has been authorized as an independent auditing firm by the “Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Board” due to the fact that it fulfills the necessary conditions in accordance with the Decree Law No. 660 and the relevant legislation.

Construction, Energy, Health, Production and Logistics, Technology, Retail Sales and Food Production can be given as examples among the sectors we provide consultancy services.

Services include:

Audit services

  • Integrated reporting
  • IFRS
  • Assurance

Tax services

  • Corporate and business tax
  • Transfer pricing
  • Indirect taxes
  • Private client
  • International tax

Advisory services

  • Legal
  • Outsourcing
  • Turnaround restructuring insolvency
  • Risk advisory
  • Transactional advisory
  • Dispute advisory.