G and F Audit Partners
Dabi Complex Building, 5th floor, suite 507
Africa Avenue
PO Box 1884
Addis Abeba
Local Time: 7:28:34 AM
Girma and Fasil Audit Service Partnership was established in August 2013. The restructuring of the sole practice, Girma Tesfaye & Co. which offered professional services since August 2002. With its head office in Addis Ababa, it is accredited to operate in all nine Regional States of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Most of our clients are engaged in manufacturing, the financial sector, especially insurance and microfinance institutions, NGOs, IPS of UN Organisation Projects.
Even though, the bidding process which is practiced by organisations in the country to select auditors is our major source of clients, some jobs also come our way through our contacts with banks and lawyers as well as potential international and local clients who visit our website.
Services include:
Audit services
Tax Services
Advisory Services