Local Time: 7:59:17 AM
Consultor was formed in the late 1990s with the merger of three highly regarded consultancy firms. Located in Barcelona, our team of skilled professionals, lawyers and economists offer clients a breadth of expertise. An ever-expanding firm, we have considerable international experience in tax reporting, planning and compliance, legal services and financial fields. A number of our team are multi-lingual, which is a key international advantage. Coupled with our native Spanish language, we can converse confidently in English, French and Italian.
We adopt a personalised approach to each client relationship, with every client being allocated a partner to coordinate and lead an assigned specialist work team. It is the hallmark of our success. As a result of this attentive support, clients benefit from consistent and continuous advice, specifically in relation to compliance with Data Protection and Anti-Money Laundering regulations.
Services include:
Tax services
Advisory services
Other services: