Nexia KPS
The Royal Palace C-29
Jl. Prof. Soepomo 178A
South Jakarta
Local Time: 2:29:38 PM
Nexia KPS is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. As well as looking after the local needs of our clients, our team of 80 regularly draws upon the expertise of global partners through the Nexia International network to ensure our clients wider trade and business needs are being professionally addressed.
Our clients comprise of private as well as listed companies, owner managed and family enterprises, non-profit organisations, professional services and financial services firms. Our advice is very much centred on understanding each individual client’s business, the industries in which they operate and the challenges they face. By forming these close client relationships we are able to offer relevant and workable solutions, all within the framework of professional standards and ethics.
Although Indonesia has no formal independent or government ranking of accounting and professional firms, based upon our market knowledge, we estimate that the firm is one of the 10 largest public accountancy, tax and business advisory firms in the country based on income fees.
Services include:
Audit services
Tax services
Advisory services
Other services: