Nexia Payce Consulting

Nexia Payce Consulting

Firm Details

Nexia Payce Consulting

Gambia Electrical Company road

Off Jimpex road

Kanifing Municipality


Local Time: 4:39:15 AM

Nexia Payce Consulting is a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants, Registered Auditors and Business Consultants. It is managed by Partners with international work experience spanning over 16 years.

The firm was established in March 2014 bringing together two Partners with distinct qualities. One of them was based in the United Kingdom where he operated a small practice offering services to local clients and would work as a consultant for large UK based multi-national companies as a project team member. The other Partner was previously one of two Partners at an international audit firm in The Gambia.

Since its establishment in 2014, Nexia Payce Consulting has seen a double-digit growth in its annual income and is strongly placed as the fourth largest firm in the country and the highest- ranking international practice in Gambia. The experience of our partners are tapped by the Government requesting them to serve in the Central Bank Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and Presidential Commission of Inquiry.

Nexia Payce Consulting provides services to clients operating in the financial services (banking and insurance), education, agriculture, fishing, travel (road transport) and leisure (hotels and restaurants) industries.

Our services are also provided to internally funded projects sponsored by the Global Fund for the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), African Development Bank, International Relief Development, etc.

We only operate in one office location. Travelling to any part of the country does not exceed five hours making it possible to have all our clients within our reach. The firm is the principal party in all the work that we do. However, we are open to working in collaboration with other professionals in areas that would be of business interest to us and for a specific purpose only. Our reputation for high quality service delivery, the credentials and competence of the Partners have made Nexia Payce Consulting a respected firm in the Gambia. 

Our ability to establish the firm as a brand new entity and position it to its current fourth place in the market is recognised by many as astounding. There is still much more room for growth in our local market and beyond the region which would be capitalized on.

Services Include:

Audit services

  • Assurance

Tax services

Other services

  • Accounting
  • Central Bank audit
  • Turnaround &Restructuring
  • Receivership & Liquidation
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Writing Standard Operating Procedures (Accounting, Audit, Human Resources and Procurement manuals)
  • Project Appraisal
  • IFRS Conversion from local GAAP
  • Company Secretarial Services
  • Fixed Asset Impairment Review
  • Capacity Building (Training)
  • Human Capital Appraisal
  • Accounting Software Installation, Upgrade and Migration