Firm Details

Local Time: 10:31:24 AM

Studio CMFC has offices in Turin and Milan, Italy. The firm was founded in 2008. The founding partners are Renato Maria Chieli, Carlo Motta, Alessandro Forte and Emanuele Chieli.

Professional services are provided by chartered accountants and tax professionals with a broad spectrum of specific expertise in the main areas of tax and corporate consulting with regard to client companies operating in various sectors of business and with an international exposure. Many of the firm’s partners have acquired experience in Italy and abroad at leading tax consulting firms and members of international tax, legal and accounting networks.

Studio CMFC currently provides consulting on a continuous basis to more than 200 corporations (including numerous international groups, also listed in Stock Exchanges) with a turnover of between €5 and 150 million.

The professionals of the firm are members of numerous Boards Statutory Auditors, Boards of Directors and Compliance Committee of well-known corporations.

Services include:

Tax services

  • Corporate tax
  • Global mobility tax sercives
  • Transfer pricing
  • Indirect taxes
  • Private wealth

Advisory services: 

  • M&A
  • Transaction services
  • Valuations

Sub Offices