Nexia Week 2023

Nexia Week 2023

This year, Nexia Week will take place between 17-21 July 2023. Nexia will deliver an initiative focused on our brand value Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).

With the launch of the five year strategy, we have an opportunity to reposition Nexia Week (NW) as a core activity aligned with Nexia’s core values. 

We are proposing that NW should now focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) activities, and specifically the “E”. The Environmental lens will help member firms focus on their communities and their corporate social responsibility (CSR). 

This year we are planing to have Nexia  Day over a week to give members the opportunity to celebrate being part of the network through organising ESG activities. 

ESG: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

We would like to invite Nexia members to make a difference to their local communities by focusing their attention on supporting the world's four key natural pillars:

Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Member firms can look to donate to water charities, arrange river/beach cleans, plant trees, reduce pollution through cycling or walking to work, support  renewable energy schemes, work with wild-fire emergency services and many, many more. Whatever you feel is best for your firm and community. The more photographs – the better!

This should provide a bountiful supply of CSR promotional material for Nexia and member firms, useful for both marketing and examples of ESG-related initiatives for prospective clients. 

We are planning to create virtual coffee mornings for member firms to conect, more infomation will be available soon. 

Last year, over 12,000 Nexians across member firms around the world participated in Nexia Day. Member firms organised virtual drinks, client training and charitable initiatives. We hope that more firms will join in the celebrations this year, by participating in Nexia Week 2023 across the network.
