Local Time: 3:38:26 PM
AFINCO is an audit, tax and advisory firm founded in 2000 by Mr Mourad Abdelmoula, Chartered Accountant. Located in Tunis downtown, AFINCO’s office is conveniently close to all the major banks, ministries and financial administrations.
From setting up companies to providing ongoing outsourcing support, the firm undertakes a variety of client assignments including (but not limited to) accounting, payroll, tax, audit, finance and legal advisory.
AFINCO clients comprise SMEs, multinational and listed companies from a variety of industry sectors. Held in high regard by fellow professionals, the firm receives regular referrals from legal firms, trade chambers, banks and embassies.
The accounting sector in Tunisia has no official rating table. However, AFINCO is estimated to be among the top 30 firms in Tunisia by fee income.
Services include:
Tax services
Advisory services
Other services