Francisco & Asociados
Calle Josefa Perdomo #52
Sector Gazcue
Edificio Ramon Francisco
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
Local Time: 5:56:07 PM
Francisco & Asociados is a professional services practice located on the Caribbean island of the Dominican Republic. Comprising four partners and 18 professionals, the firm was founded in 1957 by Ramon Francisco, regarded as a pioneer in the audit and accounting profession on the island.
For 60 years, the firm has developed long-lasting relationships with businesses, government and charitable organisations within and outside of the Dominican Republic. For more than 47 years, the firm has been part of an international network, so has extensive experience in serving multinational organisations and providing cross-border audit, accounting and tax advisory services. The firm’s local understanding of the evolving accounting systems, and the specific issues and risks facing multinational organisations, combined with industry expertise most prevalent in the Dominican Republic, ensures clients are complying with the latest trade legislation and access to wider market opportunities. As testimony to its professional standing, the firm regularly assists on cross-border assignments and collaborates with other members of Nexia International.
Although there is no official ranking of professional services firms in the Dominican Republic, Francisco & Asociados is regarded as a mid-tier firm, which comprises approximately 20 firms, including local members of other networks.
Services include:
Audit services
Tax services
Advisory services
Other services: