Firm Details


Omer Almaktar street

Jamal street

Musrata street




Local Time: 4:57:00 PM

NSOCAA was established under a license to practice as an accountant and legal auditor issued by the Libyan Accountants and Auditors Syndicate.

The office has excellent experience in the field of accounting and auditing derived from the qualification and experience of its owner as a university faculty member with the degree of Professor, and he has held many academic and professional administrative positions, and chaired many boards of directors of institutions, banks, local companies, and an expert in the field of banking. He is also a member of the Council of Experts of the World Zakat Organization (Britain), (UK) World Association for Sustainable Development, (UK) Middle Eastern Knowledge Economy Institute, The Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research (Hong Kong), The Euro Med Research Sciences Institute (Italy), The Financial Accountants Institute (UK) and The public Accountants Institute (Australia).

The office has a working team that includes a group of highly qualified professionals. The office is registered in the Insurance Supervisory Authority registry (under No.63), and is also registered in the Libyan Accounting Bureau’s registry (under No.16). The office has audited several companies, and provides advisory services.

There is no official ranking system in Libya, but we are among the best top offices in Libya according to the Libyan Syndicate of Accountants and Auditors.

Services include:

Audit services

  • Integreated reporting
  • Assurance
  • IFRS

Tax services

  • Corporate tax
  • Indirect taxes

Advisory services

  • Global expansion and financial outsourcing
  • M&A
  • Legal
  • Risk advisory
  • Turnaround restructuring insolvency
  • Valuations.

Other services:

  • Training services
  • Management of contracts
  • Managerial services
  • Islamic finance services