International Women’s Day – Bettina Koegler

Have you faced any challenges about inclusion within your career?

In my whole career I think I’ve seen once a difference when considering women. I feel it’s this the unusual!

So, I would say I’ve didn’t face many challenges about inclusion as I feel the advisory business is already ahead on this!

How do you encourage inclusion within your team and your firm?

I’m not sure how I can encourage it, as I don’t see any difference between genders in my firm and in my teams! Teams can be all women or men, a mix, whatever the best team is suitable for the job.

We make sure everybody’s having the best time (professional of course) to perform their jobs with the highest quality in the most appropriate working environment.

What is the business benefit of inclusion within the professional services sector?

I believe in our business, inclusion is already given for most of the people. We can see it in our firm with inclusions on genders, religions and origins. This diversity is part of our strength!

Our business is to provide the best quality services to our clients, and the diversity offers the opportunity to include as many ideas in our reflexion as we are different one from the other. We could say the best answers considers the most options, and this is what inclusion is about.

Author: Bettina Koegler, Partner 

Member firm name: Nexia S&A

Country: France